Digging Six Feet Under Podcast
The Digging Six Feet Under podcast, where every week we review each episode from the HBO Original television series 'Six Feet Under' with host and licensed funeral director, Victor Rubio.
7 years ago

S02E06 In Place Of Anger

Episode 6 of Season 2, with Neil McGarry, of the …

Episode 6 of Season 2, with Neil McGarry, of the 'Nitpicking: The Next Generation' podcast, we discuss Ruth's uncanny ability to date hetero men, Sarah's art speak, GOT 'Red Wedding' tie-in, Brenda's new journey compared to a gay man and Mitzy's weird recruitment party. Listen to Neil's podcast 'Nitpicking: The Next Generation' podcast, on iTunes or at peccable.com! Listen to this, and all episodes/guest spots at diggingpodcast.com Follow me on twitter @diggingpodcast, find me on Facebook under Digging Six Feet Under, shoot me an email at diggingsixfeetunder@gmail,com and join me next week as we discuss S02E07 with guest Sean Fallon, @FirstToLastPod, host of the 'From First To Last' podcast!